Maximizing Recoveries on Charged-Off Loans


Apr 4, 2024

News on the delinquency front is not good. Increased late payments in credit cards and auto loans approaching decade-long highs, combined with the restart of student loan payments, have put pressure on your balance sheet. Are you ready for the increased charge-off volume and confident you are getting the most from the backend of your loan portfolio? “Out of sight, out of mind” shouldn’t describe your charged-off loans. Just because you declare a loan loss internally, doesn’t mean there should be zero recovery. 

With an active combination of in-house effort, collection agencies, and law firms, there are many ways to find money in those “worthless” loans. All you need is a plan and the ability to manage it. This webinar will give you both! From the timing of charge-off, to effective third-party placement details, to the science of tracking and comparing recovery results, this webinar will explore the practical side of charge-off recovery.