
Thank You IBA IMPACT Players

style test ckeditor

Bold Italics Underline Strikeout 

Justified Text Align Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consequat maximus dui, quis dictum urna. Duis vel augue a urna convallis vestibulum in et leo. Maecenas vitae malesuada neque, vitae dictum nulla. Proin sed eleifend arcu. Sed a tempus odio, ac tristique risus. Cras elementum iaculis justo ut viverra. Fusce nec dui ex. Ut dictum purus diam. Vivamus eros lorem, porttitor ut quam sed, eleifend suscipit velit.

Under Construction

Pardon our delay...

Please check back momentarily for the IBA Annual Washington Trip information.

To go directly to registration for the trip...

  1. Login to the website
  2. Click on 'My Account' at the top of the website
  3. Click on 'IBA Annual Washinfton Trip' to begin registration

Image Scroll Test

Slide in Overlay from the Right

Hover over the image to see the effect.

CBC School Rocks!

Mobile App

IBA Events Mobile App

With the IBA Event Mobile App, you can take advantage of features that’ll help you make the most of your time and keep you informed about the latest event happenings: